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Listening now, I would NOT underestimate political bridges that the Upper Echelon (UE) and their media have burned. The lies around covid, the 2020 election, Ukraine, and Gaza have made most West Citizens highly suspicious.

Believe ME!! I know how frustrating it is to see the way the masses behaved throughout covid. That being said, I believe that even most of these people have had their fill at this point. I think about how much I thought that I knew which turned out the be utter bullshit.

Good analogy about the person who cannot feel pain will still die. Perhaps even faster because there’s no stimulus/response. I do agree the UE will most likely try. At this point it would make sense for our adversaries to capitalize on the distrustful zeitgeist that has been cultivated.

Say there’s an attack and TPTB immediately blame one of the Axis countries. I would suspect almost immediately after such an event that 50% or more would be pushing false flag. Doesn’t matter if it actually wasn’t because the damage has already been done.

John Carter just released a good piece discussing this. I suspect he’s correct on how “they” try and solve it. “Draft our Sons…..”

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