What a great, empowering, informative, inspiring conversation! Thanks to all of you.

I'm (we're - myself, hubby and friends) all set up here on our mountain, trees planted, food in the ground, etc, etc.

That really is our flag flying in front of our home. It could be that that's the flag of at least one of the future empires you mention, Sir Ahnaf. God willing. 🙏

I for one gladly welcome Islam to the west (I'm white British, btw. - I wasn't always called Kali). Because God needs to be restored to the centre of people's lives. The more come to understand Islam, the more I recognise that as its purpose. Albeit that neither that, nor the fact that I'm not a Christian, stop me from loving Jesus. 😁

It was so good, as well, to hear real, propper masculine male perspectives, thoughts, insights... on all of the DOOM. What a refreshing change to encounter intelligent, fully thought-out, real world advice. Nothing short of liberating, good Sirs!

tldr: Gold!

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Great Conversation Gents!!

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Thank You For the Kind Words! 😉❤️

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I am two hours into it, and I can say....I agree with about 95% of it. Ahnaf and I have clashed a few times in the past, but it is hard to argue with his logic. I thank and honor all three of you. This is a message America needs, though few have the ears for it.

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Ahnaf is exceptionally informative because he tells the truth all the time, instead of trying to manipulate his listener or tell you what you want to hear. It is getting increasingly hard in the modern world to find anybody who is not lying their ass off. Obviously he is an advocate for Islam and he tells you why it is going to win - DEFINITELY - in Europe. No doubt about it. I don't know if it is going to get a foothold in America or not but as I mentioned I think there are just going to be too many sympathizers here in America who will WANT to surrender to Sharia law out of sheer hardship, fear and loss of confidence. That's going to tip the scale when Islamics already here are joined by a million converts who were originally raised as native Christians. This happened around the time of the last great wave of Islam worldwide ... many people in India welcomed it with open arms and deserted their own nation. Like women, they were picking what they saw as the winning team and avoiding fighting for their homeland.

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I don't think Islam wants the fake and gay, though they might prove useful idiots. Most of these are huddled in the cities though, and would be fairly easily starved and frozen out, at least here in the Midwest.

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Islam will take them and has taken worse in the past. I always feel weird trying to explain a history to them in a paragraph when it is something they should have learned in school. Islam converts weak men into fanatics when they finally are given something they are not told they should be ashamed of. Look at Britain at all the weasels and worms converting right now as I write these words. Now multiply that by a million and you'll see it is very unlikely there will be any fighting in Europe. The British will simply be absorbed by the Islamic borg and the old men can hide in their little socialist flats until they die.

The winners of any conflict will always be people who love and cherish life and do not permit abortion or adultery or rampant fornication. They make boots on the ground and anybody who is not interested in children and families is free to shelter in place and wait to die. The future belongs to men who have children and everybody else can pound sand.

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In a certain sense we are like the Borg:

We incorporate the 'Higher-order' traits of a Civilization.

Example: Turanian Civilization had the traits of Migration, Living on the Steppe, Horsemanship, etc.... which are now Ours!

That said, we don't assimilate the 'Lower-order' traits.

This is why (for example) if you go to Bangladesh, Indonesia or any other part of the Muslim world, the peoples' traditional dress, customs, etc., remain primarily intact & are still thriving.

It is True, However, that the 'Larger Order' Civilizational Traits are under Islam.

Persia, Turan (i.e. 'The Steppe Nomads'), Phoenicia, Austronesia (i.e. the Malay Archipelago), etc... have all been Assimilated in said fashion.

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If someone Testifies that There is No God But Allah, & Muhammad is His Messenger:

All his previous sins are forgiven & he becomes Muslim. By default, we take him to be sincere (except if he has a long history of lying; that's a different matter).

Even if he is weak, frail, ugly, *insert other adjectives here*, we would still welcome him to the faith. Of course, there would be a grace period in which the community observes his actions... after which we go, 'Ok, he is genuine!'

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Civil disagreement is perfectly legitimate. Our interactions have been in said category, so I have no qualms against you Good Sir! 😉

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Agreed. Having heard more of your discussions, I have deep respect for you, as I believe we are both on the same side in this fight between God and evil....though as an American and Western patriot, I would defend the Midwest at least against any conquerers ;)

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There are over 1 million White Converts inside the USA already; there are 5 million Muslims total. I don't think there will be a fight to begin with... more a slow & steady reconciliation process in which Islam grows more & more inside the USA.

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Dr Shadee Elmasry (New Jersey-based religious scholar) personally believes that Muslims will easily reach 10+ million in the 2030s & beyond. In his view, they will be of varying political stances in the future.

I tend to agree with his assessment, especially when America falls apart!

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I have a ton of respect for Ahnaf. But I’ve spent years in Muslim countries. All this “cherish and protect women” talk isn’t very evident in most of the Arab/muslim countries I’ve lived in. That being said I will freely admit that the western man lost long ago. We very much deserve what’s coming. But I don’t think in America it will come as easily as Europe. There’s going to be more fight in the states. Probably all just wind up murdering a few million people. But that’s no different than what the Christians did 1000 years ago. I’ve made some serious attempts at understanding Islam. About the only thing positive I can say is that the followers are very dedicated. I find it as hypocritical as any other religion. Either way much respect to all for the honest discussion. It’s all I crave anymore.

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Remember, immigrants are only taking the jobs that 100+ million aborted babies can't or won't do. If the white man had not been turning their unborn sons and daughters over to Jewish harvesting labs so they could be chopped up for medical parts supply the last 60 years, we'd still be a 90% white nation. So obviously, nobody hates whites as much as they hate themselves. These pigs like to say they think child sacrifice is wrong but they've been sending their children through the fire to Moloch for over a half century. If they are that dumb they really think that's just "fetal tissue" they should not be having children, they are unfit to reproduce at all.

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I have always said it this way... if you murder the unborn & then claim to 'love your lineage,' your own actions give you away.

It is entirely insincere to make such a claim & people half a world away can see what you actually are 'all about.'

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We’ve got it all coming.

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Not all Muslims practice their religion properly, so I can understand why during your time abroad you met many Muslim fathers & husbands who have eschewed their responsibilities to their wives & daughters (especially with regard to doting on them).

My Empress was raised by Her Chinese Dad (i.e. My Father in Law) in a strict Communist & Islamic setting. I can tell you right now that she was very well cherished & protected since she grew up to be exceptional in all areas; be it in education, pedigree, motherhood, etc.

I don't think you Americans will 'fight us,' simply because many White Americans convert & become Muslim of their own volition. They have no reason to fight us to begin with, since 'what they want' (i.e. to preserve their race, culture, lineage, heritage, etc) we 'give for free' from the onset. In My Eurabia Essay I basically highlight why it is that Islamic Law makes Pluralism of this sort mandatory, & so the Muslim ruler is obligated to preserve the lineage of not just White Europeans, but also other peoples living in Eurabia & related Muslim polities.

We certainly have many hypocrites amongst us, It's more a case of our 'quality control' process being more stricter these days than the ones many Christians use. I do think however that serious Christians (such as the old school Catholics, Orthodox, etc) will soon begin to show some very good 'quality control' results also.

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Christianity as a whole is completely broke. I’m trying to understand Ahnaf. You’ve sent me some great reading material. I’m very thankful for your advice and presence here on substack.

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There is no compulsion in religion. Christians in Eurabia (& other future Islamic polities) will be given freedom of religion, & this will be mandatory. If they wish to remain Christian, we will not interfere in their worship, customs, etc.

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I listened for 24 minutes and tired of your avoidance of the Catholic/Christian theology on the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN. God warned us repeatedly about the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, not the mosque. All the perils you mentioned, war, famine, disease, and collapse are at the very nexus of Catholic and Kabbalistic eschatology. Judaism teaches that their "moshiach" ("messiah," our ANTI-CHRIST) will not reign as earthly king until ALL the gentiles are enslaved or exterminated following three world wars. Of course, the Kabbalists, rebranded as "Globalists," are hell bent [pun intended] on whatever it takes to achieve their stanic domination. The Jewish false-messiah (our Anti-Christ) is coming. While Blacks and Islam may be used as cat's paw (golem) for the Jews, the real problem here and now is the problem thta God Himself identified: THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN! It is overdue for us to identify and name our PRIME enemy.

Kabbalah proof texts here: https://archive.is/pUzHY A timeline of their three world wars here: https://archive.is/YkgqC

P.S. It's also very chickensht of you to block VPNs.

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You weren't listening. Who did you think I was speaking of as the people hellbent on destroying us? I touched on Albert Pike's plan at least twice.

Do you know without the weakness of Christians, none of these things would be any threat to us whatsoever? Our people are preyed upon because they deserted God's wisdom and esteem their own more highly. Also, they lack love for one another and only care about themselves. They made no-fault divorce accessible, of course. They have little regard for marriage. But nobody made my mother seek a divorce and break her marital oaths. Nobody made my father commit adultery and desert his three children. These people provide temptation but who made my parents destroy themselves and their own family? I don't believe it was the Jews. They offer an apple and the damned rush forward for a bite of it. Sometimes it is identical to black people blaming white people for all their problems. Whitey made me smoke crack and leave my kids to be raised by their mother. No he didn't. You are evil as hell, that's why you did these things.

Nobody was made to abort their babies at gunpoint. What kind of sicko aborts their own child, even if it is legal? So even if the Jews schemed to make it legal, what sort of a pig takes advantage of it?

Americans are evil bastards and there is not a single ill they have not manufactured for themselves. If they loved God and eschewed this sin none of these terrible things would have befallen them. They decided they wanted to live in porn world and wallow like pigs, it is no shock others are now planning to take it all away from them. Their weakness has brought them to this State. You're no better than women who refuse to take accountability for anything they have done. As I said during the podcast, none of these things would have befallen them without their sins simply catching up to them.

When I was in the military, they were selling off most of the ammunition and a large part of our inventory on the black market and in the next breath claiming they were patriots. They were all corrupt and as foul as rotten milk. Who embezzles from their own military? They were convinced that it was others who were failing them. Don't you think I was bright enough at 18 to know where the country was going if I was the only honest soldier in the entire Army?

The Jews are barely a fraction of the population. How did they destroy the United States without 100 million Americans willing to betray everybody else for money, power and prestige? They couldn't. It is the surplus of traitors and crooks who are their servants who did this. We have the fifth column of Jews but we have a first column of traitors, liars and criminal monsters who sold everybody out for a nickel the Jew rolled on the floor to them.

You will never survive the Jews in your midst until you cease to act as the cattle they describe you as. NEVER. You're as deluded as black people who think if they could just kill all the white people they would live in a paradise.

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The Dajjal is the 'Messiah of the Jews' who will be killed by Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him!) at the End of the Days. Several Tomes have been written on the subject. Islamic Eschatology more than sufficiently addresses all the sorts of things you bring up in your comment.

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It's really funny to hear someone try to sell Islam as an answer to enthic preservation when we know what these savages do when you let them near your women. Allah truly must be the serpent for his servants to speak with such forked tongues. 🤣

Also speaking of masturbation could the boomer doomer sound a bit less satisfied about the humiliation and destruction of his kind? It starts to become difficult to tell "our guys" apart from the progs.

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You seem to have answered all your own questions.

What do we need to fear Islam for if we cared enough about our own daughters to keep them from turning themselves into public whores on OnlyFans?

If you cared sufficiently about your own nation you would not be in danger of losing it to others. If Muslims did not feel you gave up a long time ago they would not be so bold.

Islam sees a spiritual vacuum, can you blame them for thinking it might be filled with something other than the void? It's not about their aggression, it is about the weakness of Western men who seem to worship their conquerors. White men love to watch "BLACKED" porn, it has the highest statistics. Clearly they threw in the towel a long time ago.

It's so bad they quarrel with the messenger but still don't listen to the message.

You can't win if you don't play and white Europeans surrendered a long time ago. Blame others all you want, I am calling stupid. You could see all this coming a long, long time ago.

I tried to warn people when I was 12 years old. I made a fool out of myself speaking to authority figures telling what I had discovered in the library - being one of the few people remaining who actually read books.

This didn't happen overnight. It takes decades of surrender to get to this.

My entire peer group of gifted children are all dead now. I am an old man and the only surviving members of my prodigy wave in the 1960's (nobody knows what caused it) have since almost all died by their own hand. White men tried to stomp out their own meritocracy by themselves when they were 90% of the population in 1963. No jews talked them into it or sold them on the idea. They were in freefall and they decided that any children who could speak in complete sentences were fags and all messed up. They got the nation they deserve. You ditched God and it looks like he has now ditched you.


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Those in the Civilized World do not let their Daughters get ploughed by hundreds of men, & then call it 'Progress & Emancipation!'

Your points are entirely hollow. Once upon a time, these could be used to dupe people who knew nothing about Islam & Muslims.

With each passing day, however, it becomes more evident to everyone how the Muslims cherish & protect women, whilst Westerners whore them out.

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