Jun 11Liked by Ahnaf Ibn Qais, Kenaz Filan

Enjoyed this immensely

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Thank You Kindly! 🥰

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Kenaz Filan

I recently discovered this series. Very nice work! However, I couldn't last in this installment despite your most interesting guest. Reason is I have conflict of understanding with your guest about whether or not hydrocarbon energy on earth is practically finite. If you did address the abiogenic concept of oil creation later in the discussion, I apologize. But if you did not, then I propose that you should in a future session.

Some teasers: (1) the abundance of oil on Saturn's moon, Titan, (2) the tendency of capped oil wells to recharge, (3) experiments in deep drilling in areas which could not have had fossils, (4) the fact that none of the peak oil forecasts have materialized so far, (5) the amount of biomass which would have needed to exist to account for all the hydrocarbon energy burned by humans so far. And so on.

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The video JMG referenced is by the brilliant Nina Paley. It is a scene from Seder-Masochism.

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