A democracy is only as good as the underlying electorate. Univeral male suffrage was perhaps plausible in the antebellum 19th century, when America was still populated by original-stock Americans, English and other Northern Europeans. But once the swamping with immigrants began, and the disastrous enfranchisement of Blacks and women, the one trivially bought and only interested in welfare and lax enforcement, and the other trivially manipulated, it was pretty much over. Universal suffrage destroyed Democracy in America¹.

While maintaining the forms of democracy is pleasing, and may even be meaningful at the county level, it is much less important than disenfranchising the core 'Democratic' electorate, the 90% demographics, Black women and 'Asians' (Pajeets), or if necessary declaring the usual state of siege/emergency/martial law so Trump can do what needs done, break them utterly, deport most of them, ensure by any means necessary they can never return to power.

Unfortunately, as long as we remain under Jewish occupation, they will inevitably return, regardless of the form of government: enslaving and/or destroying us is mitzvah, at the core of Judaism. The current predominance of their Israelite wing is just a reprieve, not a rescue.

¹: Toqueville would have seen this coming, if actual universal suffrage was a thing in the 1830s. Fortunately for those blessed days, it wasn't.

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Thanks for the courage to write social science that, against the most spread "social science" practices, doesn't choose to pretend humankind is not what it is like, but way better.

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I like to think of what we have as a


Because it’s a true mockery of any useful government system.

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