Certainly a very strange story, and the whole fact checker thing is just garbage. All the fact checking is so biased you’d have to be blind and or illiterate to not see it. My first exposure to this story came from a video whose creator presents things in a very straightforward way with the only bias being a humorous slant. As I watched the video it was very strange to see people sitting inside a wall as others tore away paneling exposing their existence. They didn’t even move for a bit and then they just started flooding out of nowhere. And yes I saw the bloody mattresses. Anyone telling me not to trust what my eyes saw immediately loses credibility. Great article though, lots of interesting information in it.

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I've seen a couple of studies that suggest many people are more inclined to doubt a story if it gets a Fact Checker seal of approval. This particular blunder showed all the reasons why. "Fact Checked" means "authorities said so," and debunked means "authorities said no." Which, given the current track record of our authorities, is not all that reassuring.

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Exactly, fact checked to me means approved establishment propaganda, which is all the msm is anymore. And the establishment, the authorities, whatever label is used to describe them, has been lying to us for a very, very long time and about practically every subject they speak of.

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dont know what to comment about this piece. You did your homework, that is for sure. A bit over simplified for someone who knows all this from within. But excellent for those who have no idea about this. As to specific comments, hmmmm, need to think about it. It would take volumes to explain the world of Hassidim and then the mind-set of Lubavitcher. Volumes.

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What jumps out at me here is how many people looked at a stained mattress and a high chair and immediately saw that as irrefutable proof that Chabad is trafficking children -- or sacrificing them -- in its Crown Heights headquarters. I knew Israel was the villain du jour here in the US, but I didn't expect us to get to blood libel territory this quickly.

I would have loved to go into more detail about the Hasidim and the relations between the different sects. But that would be one awfully long blog post.

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Agreed. I once suggested to you to look over the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which spells it out. Blood Libels, especially for the creation of Matzah on Passover, are not new to us. Been around as you have shown so eloquently since the dawn of Judaism and Christianity. Remember what I said about the term "nazi". It is not the term but the violence it can lead to? Remember that?

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Very interesting article. Villain du jour? that comes as a surprise to me. The community i live in a christian community, and most people support israel, thick or thin. What IS grumbled about (at least to me) is the tax dollars flowing over there , that are needed here....

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One of the most underestimated influences on our Mideast policy is Christian Evangelicals. An enormous chunk of Americans believe that Israel must be a Jewish state so that Jesus can return, knock the stuffing out of the Antichrist, convert the Israelites, and end the world.

Among Americans who look down their noses at Evangelicals, Israel is today's popular genocidal villain. Criticizing Israel has become today's In This House We Believe Black Lives Matter yard sign. And I think there's a lot of skepticism on all sides about the money we've been pumping into other people's conflicts.

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Excellent and calm piece. Thank you.

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Interesting article. I had not been following and knew nothing of it; added bonus. Truth will out, though the process may be long and messy. Not helped by the fact of hatred among Jews is as strong as hatred toward Jews.

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