Yours truly & Sir Kenaz were joined by the Lovely Sir Aspen & the Wonderful Sir Cleveland to speak about Zelenskyโ€™s public whipping, & what that bodes for ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ, ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ & ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ties into the future. Enjoy, Dear Listeners! ๐Ÿ˜˜ ๐Ÿ˜‰

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You are so right. The family is the most important thing. I would go back before the nuclear family to the time when families would have their own business and people would grow up among their family like they are supposed to.

How many of us had terrible experiences in school ?! And for what?! to be no smarter than a fifth grader because we couldnโ€™t ever remember all that crap?!?

When you understand that kids go to school so they get brainwashed to rebel against their own parents and family. The whole world makes much more sense. I knew feminism was going to kill us from the beginning. I felt it deeply. I go by my feelings and I really hated it from the first day.

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I agree about Star Wars and I was a huge fan at one time. People in my family still are in. I think itโ€™s sad. Because itโ€™s nothing like it was. I was not gonna get led down that lane. I didnโ€™t even like the princess leia character and I thought Luke was a whiny Peter Pan but I thought Han Solo was so dashing! (long ago, and of course I canโ€™t stand the actor himself now)

And even with a few things that were shady, feminism wasnโ€™t pushed in your face until later movies. Then they became unbearable.

But I honestly never thought of that. That they make it like everything is black-and-white and itโ€™s easy to choose good and bad. Is this one of the reasons why we have so much hatred between Republicans and Democrats now? Maybe! These young people think they are Jedis.

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OK now Iโ€™m at the point where Europe may get sacked(40 minutes until ending)

Imagine if they take everything in the Louvre?!? I remember that Israel verbally attacked a lot of European countries because they said half of the paintings in the museums were really Israeli art.

What if there are people out there really motivated to get all the art in Europe??!

oh my goodness people all better appreciate what we have while we have it

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Cocaine itโ€™s a heck of a drug! Maybe thatโ€™s why he couldnโ€™t stop his mouth from running. I donโ€™t know, but you guys were right. He just had to shut up another few minutes. What a mess.

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Great discussion!! The #1 enemy of the United States is the Satanic Cabal that established Washington DC. The Democratic Party of today is our #1 enemy, and needs to be totally annihilated and replaced with a party that truly cares about the downtrodden.

The Republican Party is the #2 enemy, being composed of 80% of members in lock step with the Dems.

The entire structure of our political system needs to be overhauled, and Trump is the catalyst of the movement that can change it, hopefully to some degree.

But until Jesus Christ returns to rule & reign over the earth, mankind will continue down the path of destruction.

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