Brother Brecht Jonkers joined Yours Truly & Sir Kenaz to talk about the dire situation in Syria & the rest of West Asia, Why Europe & the West are a goner, & Why 🤖 will not be saving anyone. Enjoy, Dear Listeners & Readers! 😉😘

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Well ,finally finished the whole thing .

Two more comments --

I have never understood why nobody in the West ( and all these Christians! ) never mention the Crusader Kingdoms !? 🤔

Surrounded by a huge majority that doesn't like you , and far far from your logistical base of support.

I guess it's no mystery though why the Crusader States are not mentioned. It's hardly an optimistic historical example.

( and the American background is primarily a Protestant one , with a great deal of the negative attached to anything Catholic , like the Holy Land Crusades. )

For Americans , I have always gotten the impression, right or wrong , that the Crusader States were the very idea , but called Israel , with Jews as a stand - in proxy , and never mentioned.

Second , believe it or not , when I think of the American world view 1960 - 2020 , Star Trek is precisely the frame work that comes to mind . 😂

I couldn't keep clear who was talking when , but both those mentions tickled me.

Now I'll shut up.

Hopefully you'll get other comments.

I'm glad I listened in .

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No , I don't think Assad is any sort of Angel , but my assessment is that Syria , like Iraq , like the former Yugoslavia, requires a not pretty strong man . And , in the wider sense, Hezbollah, Iran , and Russia are in a pickle without Baathist Syria. As for Palastine, I think Israel is finished. Never the less , does Palastine want a long hard road , or an even harder , longer road ?

My two cents.

I listened in because I know Ahnaf Ibn Qais speaks in objective assessments , not wants and feelings .

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We try to tell things as they are instead of insisting that things must be the way we want them to be. So far this whole process has been less bloody than I expected. I hope that we're all pleasantly surprised and everybody involved works things out peaceably. But I wouldn't bet a large sum of money on it.

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And a pro - Assad Catholic listening in .

I wish I could say it's fun . ☹️

But thanks for the effort .

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While Assad has his flaws, I doubt very much that the government which replaces him is going to do any better in the human rights department. I'm expecting years of chaos in a country that has already had more than its share of troubles.

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