If you’re wondering what comes next after the fall of the Global American Empire, wonder no more. Our guest Eliot “Aspen” W. Smith makes a convincing case that we will see the next great American civilization arise in the desert regions of Mexico and the American Southwest. And while one civilization rises, another falls — so we spent some time on DOOMful topics too!
Eurabiamania 57: The Dawn of a New World
With Special Guest: Eliot "Aspen" W. Smith
Nov 14, 2024
Eliot “Aspen” W. Smith
Ahnaf Ibn-Qais
Kenaz Filan

When East Meets West with Kenaz Filan and Ahnaf Ibn-Qais
History, Politics, Religion, Philosophy, and Culture while the barbarians gather outside the gates. The fires will be coming soon. Violins not provided.
History, Politics, Religion, Philosophy, and Culture while the barbarians gather outside the gates. The fires will be coming soon. Violins not provided. Listen on
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