Trump didn't put anyone in camps in 2016 and 'the Left' never reconciled to his Presidency. Thinking 'this time will be different' seems willfully blind to the nature of our enemies.

And that's what they are: Enemies.

We don't need 'reconciliation', we need *deterrence*.

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Very well written article, Kenan. Unfortunately many of these people are more delusional than the people that think we can "restore" the Republic. How does one reason with people that refuse to comport with reality? The Restore crowd at least has some ideas but the Left are literally embracing ideas and identity as if belief is enough to forge reality. Moralizing politics is insane. That's how one ends up with struggle sessions and mass graves.

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I think the shrieking dangerhairs will continue to shriek. But I also think that their screams will carry less weight with Democratic strategists going forward. For years the Ds have been playing to their Twitter audience. The 2024 shellacking is solid evidence that they will get more votes tacking to the center than they will throwing red meat to the fringes.

Every fad has a shelf life, and I think that Identity Politics passed its sell-by date a while back. There will still be wokescolds and genderspecials, just as there were crunchy granola hippies during the Reagan era. But they were largely seen as figures of fun rather than cutting-edge social thinkers. I don't expect Trump to round them up and put them in concentration camps. I expect instead that they will face an even worse fate, one that chills them to the core. They will be ignored.

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It will be interesting to see what results. The cultural marxists have had control for some time now and the coalition of intersectionality ruled over all. I'm not currently seeing much introspection but rather an onslaught of denial via the various evil "isms;' stages of grieving for them I guess.

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Good points raised on a very good essay. I also have my doubts about Modernist liberals, either Democrat or Republican, becoming more sane. There are too many identity groups captured by the sacred-victim, entitled parasite culture. The female Indian-indentifying editor of Vanity Fair, Radhika Jones, wrote a letter after the election in which she made an impassioned declaration to carry on the battle against the haters, sexists, bigots, racists, etc, (i.e., normal white men):

" I want to reassure our readers that we have no intention of changing the way we approach our mission here at Vanity Fair. Our principles remain clear. We believe in freedom, democracy, and decency. We oppose racism, misogyny, xenophobia, and fascism."

There's too many people who are fighting a sexual and racial identity battle. Too many who rely on special treatment for simply being born into a sex or a race.

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"There's too many people who are fighting a sexual and racial identity battle. Too many who rely on special treatment for simply being born into a sex or a race."

I agree 100%. But once they stop getting special treatment -- which they have been getting since at least 2016 -- they will sooner or later find other things to do. One of the best ways to treat temper tantrums is to ignore them. When they no longer get their own way, the sacred parasites will change their behavior and the grifters will find more profitable lines of work.

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Thanks for your comment. In order to change their behavior you are going to have to get rid of race and sex quotas and bring back freedom of association by repealling the 1964 Civil Rights Act. No one is even talking about this. I don't think you understand how this works. S-VEP captures white men as much as the sacred victims because they, the white guys, conjured it – and that is "human rights."

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A good essay.

I disagree about Vance being the next President. We'll see. Things might go so sideways where, like Ahnaf said in his interview with Constantine, Trump goes for a third term. Or RFK primaries on the R side instead of D, and wins. I think he'd do better there, honestly, after serving with Trump. The D's won't ever have him back after that kind of 'betrayal' in their eyes. I just don't see Vance having leadership qualities.

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