This episode takes a turn away from our usual geopolitical DOOM in favor of a little stargazing. John Michael Greer isn’t just the Grandmaster of Doom: he’s also a skilled astrologer whose latest book, The Astrology of Nations, has just been released. So what does mundane astrology have to say about Donald Trump’s second term? Listen and find out!
Eurabiamania 75: It's Written In The Stars
With Special Guest: John Michael Greer
Jan 21, 2025
Cross-post from Notes from the End of Time with Kenaz Filan
The Grandmaster of DOOM, John Michael Greer, joined Yours Truly & Sir Kenaz to do some Charting & Mundane Astrology to Divine for us what the coming 4 years of the Trump Presidency will look like. Enjoy, Dear Listeners & Readers! 😉 😘 -
John Michael Greer
Ahnaf Ibn-Qais
Kenaz Filan

When East Meets West with Kenaz Filan and Ahnaf Ibn-Qais
History, Politics, Religion, Philosophy, and Culture while the barbarians gather outside the gates. The fires will be coming soon. Violins not provided.
History, Politics, Religion, Philosophy, and Culture while the barbarians gather outside the gates. The fires will be coming soon. Violins not provided. Listen on
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Ahnaf Ibn Qais
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